Graham Polley & Pablo Caif from Shine Technologies
Graham is a senior software engineer based out of Melbourne Australia. He’s passionate about promoting the adoption of cloud technologies into software development, and regularly blogs and gives presentations…
Visualizing Time Series Data
When working with human behavior you’ll almost always have to deal with data that is formatted as a time series. Briefly, time series data corresponds with repeated measures of a variable (or multiple variables) at consistent intervals over a period. As my dissertation analysis is ongoing, I’m using my own Fitbit data here for this example…
ViewChildren and ContentChildren in Angular
In this article I’m going to explain the difference between the concepts of view children and content children in Angular. We will take a look at how we can pass access these two different kinds of children from their parent component…
Cloud Vision API with Ram Ramanathan
Ram Ramanathan joined Google in 2014 where he’s been working on leading the machine learning efforts for Google Cloud Platform, and has been a large part of launching the new Google Cloud Vision API…
OED tools: Linux command alias
After a few posts about Windows software now it’s time for Linux. The problem Working with the Linux bash sometimes requires to type long commands multiple times. Isn’t that a motivation strong enough to look for a better way? The automation Linux alias is quite self-explanatory, it allows to create command aliases like with the familiar Cisco CLI. A good place to store aliases is .bashrc…
OED tools: Chocolatey
The problem Install software on Windows and keep it updated is a boring and repetitive task…
text2vec GloVe implementation details
Before reading this post, I very recommend to read: Orignal GloVe paper Jon Gauthier’s post, which provides detailed explanation of python implementation. This post helps me a lot with C++ implementation. Word embeddings After Tomas Mikolov et al…
Installing TensorFlow on an AWS EC2 Instance with GPU Support
The following post describes how to install TensorFlow 0.6 on an Amazon EC2 Instance with GPU Support. I also created a Public AMI (ami-e191b38b) with the resulting setup. Feel free to use it. UPDATED (28 Jan 2016): The latest TensorFlow build requires Bazel 0.1.4. Post now reflects this. Thanks to Jim Simpson for his assistance…
OED Tools: ConzoleZ
The problem As many IT professionals I work quite often on the command line with many command prompts open. Windows lacks a good native command prompt software so usually you see monitors filled with black terminals that are hard to manage and track. The automation ConsoleZ allows multiple tabs and to split tabs vertically or horizontally among with many other features…
Dynamically Configuring the Angular's Router
Warning: This version of the Angular 2 router is now deprecated! This means that soon the used below APIs will no longer be available…
OED Tools: 1Password
The problem Security today is a main concern for every computer user. One of the first problem is how to manage password. I see many creative solutions around: post-it or paper only, use of the same password for all services, a spreadsheet inside an encrypted zip file… none of them appear safe or efficient…
Move to Hugo
Introduction Since 2 years, I used Pelican, a very good project developed by a team of good developers. You have a lot of plugins, everything works fine but, and yes, there is a “but”. In fact, when you want to update your blog, and try to use the last version of Pelican, you can have some errors…
OED Tools: NetSetMan
The problem I manage many networks and quite often I work at customer site. For every site I need and IP address, gateway, Wi-Fi network, sometimes proxy, a printer and many other unique network settings. Change IP address on Windows is a process that takes too much time and many clicks. The automation I used to use netsh scripts to do that but it was hard to maintain…
Big Data with Felipe Hoffa
In 2011 Felipe Hoffa moved from Chile to San Francisco to join Google as a Software Engineer. Since 2013 he’s been a Developer Advocate on Big Data - to inspire developers around the world to leverage the Google Cloud Platform tools to analyze and understand their data in ways they could never before…
Help PythonFOSDEM 2016 with your proposals
Introduction The Python Community has a devroom during the FOSDEM in Brussels in Belgium. The event will take place during the last week-end of January 2016. With the success of the previous PythonFOSDEM, this year we received a bigger room of 363 seats…
Profile of me on the Mango blog
More of me direct from the Mango blog. This time it’s a short profile, in relation to our recently published Data Science Radar. Data Science Radar - Technologist Profile Mark Sellors from Mango took the Data Science Radar Challenge and his dominant skill was a Technologist, so we asked him a few questions…
Obsessive Efficiency Disorder
I read this blog post from Mattias Geniar and I think he gave a name of a concept I had in my mind from years. It started a while ago when I tried to find a more efficient ways to do my daily work and it got bigger and bigger up to be almost an… obsession…
VMware VCP5-DCV for a network engineer
Today I passed exam VCP550 and got VMware VCP5-DCV certification. Exam preparation For exam preparation I attended the official training that is mandatory to access the exam. The printed material provided with the training is good enough but I integrated with the great Mastering VMware vSphere 5.5 by Scott Lowe…
Automated provisioning with Docker
Customer Overview Founded in 1993, Media Links is a leading developer and manufacturer of broadcast network infrastructure solutions…
Simple Cisco switch inventory with bash and snmp
Scripts, usually I write some because I don’t like repetitive tasks and I’m lazy, meaning I prefer automation over useless hard work. Don’t know where I found this quote but I like it: Don’t spend your time doing work a well-trained monkey could do…
GloVe vs word2vec revisited.
Today I will start to publish series of posts about experiments on english wikipedia. As I said before, text2vec is inspired by gensim - well designed and quite efficient python library for topic modeling and related NLP tasks. Also I found very useful Radim’s posts, where he tried to evaluate some algorithms on english wikipedia dump…
The Case For a Data Science Lab
This post originally appeared on the Mango Solutions blog. TL;DR It’s basically my take on remaining innovative when data science goes corporate…
Google Cloud Developer Experience with Chris Sells
Chris Sells has been a software engineer of one kind or another since he was 14 years old…
ggplot your missing data
This is what the Amelia package produces by default: And let’s explore the missing data using my own ggplot function: Let’s test it out It’s much cleaner, and easier to interpret. As another aside - if anyone knows how I can improve the image quality of the plots, I’m all ears. I’ve tried changing the dpi, changing it to pdf, png, svg, and even svglite but they all haven’t really solved the…
How I built my website
I’ve recently changed my website from Wordpress to Jekyll. In this post I try and succinctly describe how it happened. Basically, for the following reasons: …But reading it, Yihui says: It is really easy. And that’s about it. I had a look around at a bunch of different blogs about how to build stuff, and added a few things. “By setting up the code this way, I can enable commenting on a page-by-page…
Analyzing texts with text2vec package
updated 2016-10-07 - see post with updated tutorial for text2vec 0.4 In the last weeks I have actively worked on text2vec (formerly tmlite) - R package, which provides tools for fast text vectorization and state-of-the art word embeddings…
Can We Bring Machine Translation Beyond The Hype?
20% of the U.S. population speaks a language other than English at home and 8.6% defined as being limited English proficient. How do we reach all of these patients? Google Translate! or Google Translate? Machine translation, the power behind Google Translate, offers an opportunity to reach our limited English proficiency…
Using table the dplyr way
So there happen to be 50 in each of the species. This gives us a neat dataframe, where we get Species as a column, and the number of observations in each Species. So I could now do…
Connected Health Symposium 2015 in Review
I recently attended the Connected Health Symposium in Boston, MA. The Symposium was filled with thought-provoking keynotes, panels and discussions. With all these great ideas, it was tough to parse through the data, but I’ve captured a few key takeaways: 1. The Future is Wearables…
WLPC 2015 @ Berlin
For the second year in a row I attended Wireless Lan Professionals Conference Europe, this time in Berlin…
We Got a Podcast!
Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know: Links:…
Angular 2 Hot Loader
A couple of months ago I watched a few talks from ReactEurope. I was truly impressed by a few of them and especially by the one by Dan Abramov on redux and his hot loader…
The Consul of Elders
consul members command: Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC i-bae58774 alive server 0.5.2 2 dc1 i-ace73562 alive server 0.5.2 2 dc1 i-12e4866c alive server 0.5.2 2 dc1 Consul exposes a Rest API service to aid discovery…
Priors as beliefs
“Language sets everyone the same traps; it is an immense network of easily accessible wrong turnings.” - Ludwig Wittgenstein, Culture & Value (1980) It is often said that priors in Bayesian statistics are ‘beliefs’…
Goofus and Gallant: Charts
For the past couple of years I’ve been delving into the world of information visualization. Part due to intense interest, part due to job responsibilities…
Lazy Loading of Route Components in Angular 2
Warning: This version of the Angular 2 router is now deprecated! This means that soon the used below APIs will no longer be available. For the examples in the content below I’ve used the angular2-seed project. The code for the article could be found at my GitHub account…
My devops Journey
One of the challenges we devops Consultants face is explaining what we do to customers, as there are so many definitions…
EARL London, September 2015 Here is the video and slides from my talk on SparkR at this years EARL Conference in London. It’s mainly about how Spark and SparkR may finally be the thing that brings R and Big Data/Hadoop together…
How to 'increase' array resolution in R (replicate each element both column-wise and row-wise)
One picture says more than a thousand words. You have what is one the left, and you want what is on the right…
Becoming A Virtualist
Between Doctors on Demand, Teladoc and other online platforms, patients are willing to get their care online, but are clinicians trained to shift from bedside manner to “webside manner?” Telemedicine has quickly risen to be a novel clinical access point for…
Is the EC2 Container Service a bad idea?
The container revolutionaries call upon you! Are you ready to beg forgiveness for your sins of monolithic architecture and pay homage at the Church of 12 Factors? No doubt you - like so many others before you - have endured the experience of being cornered by a zealot of the new world…
AWK and Cisco WLC
When you see an hacker movie you see people typing on the keyboard very fast. Actually the toughest the hacker is the faster he types very long commands and all of them work the first time…
Annotated Data Viz 2
BELOW IS A VISUALIZATION of household size and composition and homeownership from the Census1 going back to 1980. With this visualization, we can see how household size and tenure choice (own vs rent) has varied by age over time. 1Data from Ipums: IPUMS-USA, University of Minnesota, www.ipums.org…
Annotated Data Viz 1
Homeownership and the Jobs Outlook BELOW IS A VISUALIZATION of job growth and homeownership by occcupation. This viz details expected job growth by occupation compared to homeownership rate by occupation. This viz was originally published on Freddiemac.com…
Cisco ASA VPN with over overlapping addresses and twice NAT
IP addressing design is a topic that follows every networker from the basic to the architect level of experience. Usually we just pick a random range from RFC1918 and address all the devices. But then VPN happens, and with VPN comes the risk of overlapping…
Exam passed HP2-Z31 - Creating HP Software-defined Networks
As a holder of many technical certifications every few months I have to renew some. When possible I try to renew the certifications with a new track instead of doing the newer version of the exam I’ve already done…
Aspect-Oriented Programming in JavaScript
Note: The following blog post is based on the library aspect.js, which can be found here. The object-oriented programming paradigm is powerful…
Visualization of predictions
In this post I want to shortly introduce you to the great visualization possibilities of mlr. Within the last months a lot of work has been put into that field…
Flux in Depth. Store and Network Communication.
This is the second, and probably be the last, blog post of the series “Flux in Depth”. In the first post we did a quick overview of flux, took a look at the stateless, pure components, immutable data structures and component communication…
Working with MS SQL server on non-windows systems
As I know, there are few choices to connect from R to MS SQL Server: RODBC RJDBC rsqlserver But only second option can be used on mac and linux machines. Here is nice stackoverflow thread. Most of the people suggest to use microsoft sql java driver. But there is a case when this will not help - windows domain authentification…
What's this docker thing?
If there’s one thing industry news sources have been mentioning to you recently it would almost certainly be Docker…
Using JSX with TypeScript
JavaScript is a weird language although, we love it the way it is. However, I’ve had quite a painful experience working on big JavaScript projects. It was painful in the same way it gets painful working on huge Ruby, Python, PHP projects. Once you have code base above 10-15k lines of code and you decide to do some refactoring..…
#Colonoscopy or Can Social Media Increase Cancer Screening Rates?
Health messages can be a tough sell. Not surprisingly, we are not doing of great job at getting patients to buy into preventative services. But what if these messages showed up their on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter? (#colonoscopy, anyone?) Things we know: 1.We are not doing well at encouraging patients to get…
Cut a time period from netCDF with nco
Add -F, if you want to use Fortran indexing (to start from 1)…
Converting R Markdown to Latex
Open the Terminal, Command Prompt (search for cmd) or Windows Powershell, go to the folder and do: And that’s…
Reordering factor levels in R and what could go wrong
Let’s create a quick barplot with strings as x…
IVMOOC Reflections
So IVMOOC has been over for quite some time now. Looking back on the experience, I consider it to be a personal success…
Installing cuda toolkit and related R packages
The main purpose of this post is to keep all steps of installing cuda toolkit (and R related packages) and in one place. Also I hope this may be useful for someone. Installing cuda toolkit ( Ubuntu ) First of all we need to install nvidia cuda toolkti. I’am on latest ubuntu 15…
SecureCRT and Python
SecureCRT is one of my favourite tools, today I had a chance to use it in a way I didn’t expected. A customer called with a problem: he has a radio bridge that sometimes loses connection with the remote unit. The workaround is to reload the base unit…
Docker join the dots
This post is part of a series about Docker, including: Docker Introduction Docker: Install software inside a container Docker Volumes Docker Networking - bridge container to host NIC We started with the basics and moved on with adding software, using volumes and then bridging a container to the…
Docker networking bridge to host NIC
This post is part of a series about Docker, including: Docker Introduction Docker: Install software inside a container Docker Volumes Today we’ll see Docker networking with a very specific target in mind: bridge container to the host…
Flux in Depth. Overview and Components.
This is the first blog post of the series “Flux in Depth”…
Docker Volumes
In the last post we saw that any filesystem change inside a docker container is lost if not commited to the image. What if we want to share data between containers? We can use Docker’s Data Volumes and Data Volume Containers…
Docker Install software inside a container
In the first post of this series we left with a running Ubuntu 15.04 container. Now it’s time to install software inside the container. A container is “stateless”, meaning any file change inside a container is lost when the container is closed, including software installations…
I’m a Wannabe Polyglot
There’s value in my patients’ words. I want to get the most direct access to them. When I was in high school I read “Cien Años de Soledad” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. To this day, it is one of my favorite novels. I read it in Spanish and couldn’t imagine reading the translated version. I can’t get away from the feeling that something is…
Introduction to Docker
Docker and more generic Linux containers technology are a hot topic these days. The website says “for developers and sysadmins”, I am neither of the two but I can still find some useful applications for containers as a Network Engineer…
Quick tool: PingInfoView
Quick tool: PingInfoView _PingInfoView is a small utility that allows you to easily ping multiple host names and IP addresses, and watch the result in one…
Even Faster AngularJS Data Structures
This is the last post of the series “Boost the Performance of an AngularJS Application Using Immutable Data”. I strongly recommend you to take a look at the previous two parts before continue reading this content…
Boost the Performance of an AngularJS Application Using Immutable Data - Part 2
A few weeks ago I posted the article “Boost the Performance of an AngularJS Application Using Immutable Data”. It shows how to speedup your AngularJS application when having a lot of bindings to big data collections. The idea behind the optimization is quite simple - create a new collection when the data changes…
Angular2 - First Impressions
On 18th of September 2014 was pushed the initial commit of version 2.0 of the AngularJS framework. A few weeks ago the core team at Google, published AngularJS’ 2.0 website and gave a couple of talks on ng-conf about their new router, change detection, templating, etc…
Quick script - backup multiple Alcatel OmniSwitch configuration files
A quick batch script I did to backup configuration files of multiple Alcatel Omniswitch via FTP. In the switch flash all configuration files are named boot…
My Patients Don’t Know Me
We roll deep in academic medicine. Every morning during morning rounds, there are on average 5-6 doctors at the bedside to check in on patients. I don’t know about you, but I’m terrible with names when I’m at my healthiest. Now take a patient admitted for pneumonia, urinary tract infection, heart failure, or another draining ailment, trying to remember the name of their 5-6…
#IVMOOC Week 7
Due to the nature of this week in the course, I’ve created my visualization and reflection using R, shinyapps.io and various wonderful packages…
Build Your own Simplified AngularJS in 200 Lines of JavaScript
My practice proved that there are two good/easy ways to learn a new technology: Re-implement it by your own See how the concepts you already know fit in it In some cases the first approach is too big overhead…
R Package neato
My workflow in R now is to make a function after I copy and paste some code more than once. Sometimes I find myself using these functions more than once, across different projects. So I decided to make an R package with a few of these functions in it. I call it “neato”, in the vain hope that one day someone will find one of these functions and say: “neato!”, because hey, it’s pretty…
Persistent State of ReactJS Component
ReactJS is a framework, by facebook, which adds some well known concepts into the UI development. Each UI could be represented as a state machine but when the state of this state machine could be changed from a lot of places everything gets quite messy, complex and buggy…
Meraki CMNA
Today I’ve attended a Meraki technical training course at Cisco offices…
I don't have a clever title
I’m in Boston, in the middle of training for marking of the Critical Thinking Assessment Test. The training is good, and their process is solid. Put that on top of a decent reliable and valid instrument and you’ve got something. I’ll need to see the results and the data to draw more conclusions, but so far I like it. Anyways.…
Boost the Performance of an AngularJS Application Using Immutable Data
I have affinity to functional programming since my first year in college…
Intubations Misunderstood
This month I have been spending my time working hard in the Intensive Care Unit–where intubations are an unfortunate necessity. I invariably started thinking about who gets intubated. We look at many factors to assess a patient’s ability to breathe, such as respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, blood gas, and, of course, their ability to…
My business is with R tonight, with maps and color. #IVMOOC Week 5
So the midterm has me a bit disheartened. Not because of difficulty, but because of the miscommunication between the admin and the students. In Canvas the midterm description was set to Feb 16th 8pm EST deadline. After putting my son to bed, and while making dinner, I logged into Canvas and rushed to do the midterm…
I'll take 'Famous Titles' for $400 Alex. #IVMOOC Week 4
Two posts in week, and two weeks of #IVMOOC down! Topical analysis this week, and keeping in theme, here’s what I’m…
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Getting through this week was a bit tough, not due to content or complexity, but due to life, work and winter. Being the only well parent is a lot of work. Couple that with deadlines, grant writing and research sessions made for very little free time…
Working Smoothly(er) from RMarkdown to Word.
I’m a pretty huge fan of RMarkdown, as it is a great way for me to write my code and my text together. It seems really a rather a natural thing to do. You write about your analyses, and the code is there. You update some function or some data, and your figures and tables update with it. Method Acting is like peeing whilst wearing brown corduroy…
Processing Binary Protocols with Client-Side JavaScript
Last couple of weeks I’m trying to build high-performance consumption of binary protocol through the browser. The protocol is running over TCP…
Configuring IPython Notebook Support for PySpark
Apache Spark is a great way for performing large-scale data processing. Lately, I have begun working with PySpark, a way of interfacing with Spark through Python. After a discussion with a coworker, we were curious whether PySpark could run from within an IPython Notebook…
Microsoft acquires Revolution Analytics
The following post originally appeared on the Mango Solutions blog though after posting it, it occurred to me that, on the other hand the acquisition could just be a pure cloud play…
#IVMOOC Week 2
I’m liking this course. The videos are easy to listen to and are in nice manageable chunks that I can watch them while making dinner, or on a quick break from work…
Diagnosis by History and Other Broken Records
I ran late in clinic yesterday (not uncommon), but it was worth it. Despite labs, imaging and a ton of other data, much of medicine currently relies on gathering a history, just plain talking to the patient, especially when it comes to syncope (fainting). There is so much in the nuance in which questions get asked and how the questions are asked as well as the nuance of the patient’s…
Docker and Enabling Analytic Workflows
This post originally appeared on the Mango Solutions blog It’s been a few months now since I presented on the ways in which Mango are using Docker at EARL 2014 and a lot’s happened since then, so I thought I take this opportunity to post a brief overview of the current state of Docker in the R/Data Science communities…
Installing Python Data Science Stack on Yosemite
I was attempting to install the Python data-science stack within a fresh virtual environment on my Mac with OS X 10.10.1 (Yosemite) but encountered various frustrating errors…
#IVMOOC Week 1
So I’ve made it through the first week of #IVMOOC. Gold stars all around! I did learn some new things, new tricks and new tools from the lectures and I’m a sucker for a good framework…
Dying in Another Language
During one overnight in the intensive care unit, I took care of 2 patients: one was Polish speaking, who I will call Peter, and the other was Spanish speaking, who I will call Teresa. For Teresa, the night started off with pain and ended with her unexpected passing. Her nurse could tell she was in pain, but could not understand where the pain…
Locality Sensitive Hashing in R
Introduction In the next series of posts I will try to explain base concepts Locality Sensitive Hashing technique. Note, that I will try to follow general functional programming style. So I will use R’s Higher-Order Functions instead of traditional R’s *apply functions family (I suppose this post will be more readable for non R users)…
Stream your Desktop to HTML5 Video Element
In this blog post I’ll share how you can stream your desktop to HTML5 video element. All you need is VLC video player and web browser, which supports HTML5. How to..…
Are you still there?
Sometimes a simple pause leads to a time-out. Juggling parenthood, my normal hatrack of jobs, plus teaching put way to many demands on my time to devote it to #dalmooc, despite it being a very interesting experience…
Multi-User Video Conference with WebRTC
This is a tutorial for how to implement a multi-user video conference with WebRTC, AngularJS and Yeoman…
Asynchronous calls with ES6 generators
ES6 generators have landed in Chrome 39 Beta on 9th of October and are already available in the stable version…
Ethernet Economiser aka RJ45 splitter
Just a quick post since I speak with many network engineers and I notice some confusion about this topic. Are all 4 pairs of an Cat5e cable used? The answer is.. it depends…
Cisco Nexus 9000 training DCINX9K
This week I attended a two days training of Cisco DCINX9K. The training is focused on Cisco Nexus 9000 switches in NX-OS mode. NX9K can run two different software images, the full ACI image with all the cool SDN stuff and the traditional NS-OX image with some cool features like Python, Rest API, VX-LAN and more…